*Warning! During this session of Liquid Inspiration Podcast
the words "Fiat" and "Multipla" are used next to each other in sequence.*
the words "Fiat" and "Multipla" are used next to each other in sequence.*
It's finally here! The special you have all been waiting for!
Well, as the title suggests it's actually the specials you have all been waiting for as when the finest podcast money can't buy travels across the country in search of super awesome guest hosts, it doesn't do things by halves.
No! It does things by doubles!
Part one of this classic toofah starring the ever awesome Kylie Posnett and the ever charming Christopher D Bate contains talk of beauty spa treatments gone wrong, a decadent death by dumplings, cunning tips on getting free pizza, how a city can be quite like a "scrappy little bloke", bin pasty roulette, Ryan fucking Estes and many, many more family favourites...
Audiogasms® are supplied this week by those charming chaps, the boys from Brighton Son Of Robot! Additional Audiogasmicness® is supplied this week by the ever handsome and noisey LuKuS!
As ever, it's here! It's beer! It's in the midlands?!
Why not have some proof of Cribble's fantastic dress sense!
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