Directly after the recording of Session 79 - Ambassaballs and during the consumption of
a "Metric Shit-Ton of Lager" the chaps discussed many varied topics of conversation.
One topic that shined through the usual "If you bum the farm animal, you marry the farm animal and chuck it off a cliff" style topics was the need to mix things up from time to time. After all, variety is indeed the spice of life regardless to how much your liver is complaining and begging to be transplanted into a professional darts player in order to get some rest and relaxation.
C.J and Daz decided to make 2011, 2012 and 2013 years with:
During these years your regularly scheduled filth will continue as normal HOWEVER on occasion we will present you with a show that throws out the usual format and brings you a different side of the show you've grown to love / hate / wank off to / use as an audio cold shower... however you enjoy it!
Right click on the Session title and click "Save Link As" to directly download the shows that are, as always, presented in glorious stereo for your aural displeasure.
Do enjoy you silly, *SPECIAL* bastards:
a "Metric Shit-Ton of Lager" the chaps discussed many varied topics of conversation.
One topic that shined through the usual "If you bum the farm animal, you marry the farm animal and chuck it off a cliff" style topics was the need to mix things up from time to time. After all, variety is indeed the spice of life regardless to how much your liver is complaining and begging to be transplanted into a professional darts player in order to get some rest and relaxation.
C.J and Daz decided to make 2011, 2012 and 2013 years with:
During these years your regularly scheduled filth will continue as normal HOWEVER on occasion we will present you with a show that throws out the usual format and brings you a different side of the show you've grown to love / hate / wank off to / use as an audio cold shower... however you enjoy it!
Right click on the Session title and click "Save Link As" to directly download the shows that are, as always, presented in glorious stereo for your aural displeasure.
Do enjoy you silly, *SPECIAL* bastards:
Session 165 - Mr Tapey *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- April 11th, 2014
During this session of the world's barometer for constructive swearing talk turns to the hard hitting topics of Lowestoft, the difference between a Pale Ale and an IPA, meeting Mr Tapey, C.J's first selfie and Daz has exciting news!
In-flight Audiogasms® are available mid podcast and will be served up by the super sexy stewardesses Son Of Robot and the most forgiving cabin crew to ever grace first class! The Wave Pictures!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! It's a pound per pint! Not a pint per pound!
Session 163 - Modern Man (Part 2) *SPECIAL*- March 14th, 2014
During the second part of *SPECIAL*, super session of your favourite selection of audible swears, the guys continue to attempt to define what it means to be a modern man and the different categories required to plot an accurate portrayal of who that man could and certainly should be.
...and beer. Obviously.
This weeks delicious Audiogasms® are supplied by two groups that know what a real man looks like when they see one weeping in a cinema, the always fantastical Son Of Robot and the ever sensational The Wild!
As ever it's here! It's beer! It's the crisp sound of ball bag on jock strap!
Session 162 - Modern Man (Part 1) *SPECIAL*- February 28th, 2014
During part one of this *SPECIAL*, super session of the online version of liver abuse, talk turns to one thing and one thing only: What it means to be a man in the modern age.
...and different beers. Obviously.
This weeks manly and bearded Audiogasms® are supplied by the man, myth, and legend known as Sir John Smith!
As ever it's here! It's beer! Whistle bollocks!
Session 160 - Multimedia *SPECIAL*- January 10th, 2014
During this session, oh yeah happy new year and all that...
During this session of what your booze thinks about you in .mp3 format, talk turns to fantastic TV like Breaking Bad, fantastic films like Beverly Hills Cop III, fantastic podcasts like this, that, the other and the other other, great music like from our buddies and bands that we play on our show but also from other wonderful people like this guy, this guy and definitely these guys!
Also Daz can't mime and C.J thinks it's still November 2013! THE MADNESS!!!
This weeks fantastical Audiogasms® are piped into your brain lugs by the delicious persons known as The Wild, the sexy boys called Son Of Robot and the venerable and 100% brilliant chaps called The Wave Pictures!
As ever it's here! It's beer! Which one is he?
Session 159 - A LIPmas Barrel *SPECIAL*- December 24th, 2013
This session of festive audio swearing goes Ho, Ho, Horribly wrong... Like a sultana in a salad.
Just say no kids, dropping acid isn't as much fun as it sounds on this show.
In fact medical studies show that it is much, much funnier than it sounds on this show. Probably.
A big drunk wet kiss and slurred thank yous to the interviewees and guest hosts we have had over the years that feature on this session namely (In order of appearance):
Zac Barclay of Misinformation Podcast, Monica Hamburg of Dazed and Convicted, Natalie S and the always delicious, self styled sausage pants Mr Regular Dave!
Also a massive festive thank you to the vocal talents of Rhi Maskell and Mrs Corinna Carlson of Gusgreeper.com
Audiogasmic® trippyness is added to by the ever resplendent and delicious The Wild and the festive spirit known as St John Smith!
Thanks to all of our Audiogasmic® artists including Sir John and Wit and The Wild, for allowing us to enjoy their Audiogasmicness® out loud, in glorious stereo on a fortnightly basis.
Beers are owed to B-Sydes, LuKuS, The Wave Pictures, RedFinn, Things We Lost In The Fire and the sexy boys from the band once known as Son Of Robot!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! TRY TRIPPING YOUR BALLS OFF!
Merry Liquid Inspiration Podcastmas everyone!
C.J Hixon and Bromley Daz
Session 157 - Gonging *SPECIAL*- November 29th, 2013
LOB-EST-AH ~ n ~ To appear on TV looking sunburned. Not to be confused with large marine crustaceans.
This week, our intrepid survivors of Man-Flu discuss weddings, Champagne, Canadians, Folk / Metal / Punk music stars, the literality of apple juice, C90 Cassettes, Maths and the penis.
Audiogasms® this session are gold plated, oxygen free and woven by the penises of blind Andalusian Monks in the foot hills of mount Mulhacén into the audio effigies of the one and only Sir John Smith, RedFinn and The Wild for 100% deliciousness!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Penis.
Session 156 - #96 Voming-It *McCLASSIC SPECIAL*- November 15th, 2013
This week the (pound) saviors of internet swearyness discuss the curious case of Chris Packham's love of a certain Welsh alternative rock band, how one New Zelander is hedging his bets on a gee-gee's sex wee and just how important it is to have a separation between church and steak, during which C.J says the funniest thing he's ever said and instantly gets the beep!
A true L.I.P first!
A double dose of Audiogasmicness® injected directly into your earogenous zone courtesy of those boys from Brighton, the one and only Son Of Robot!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Uh Huh Oh Yeh!
Marriage cheers!
Session 154 - #28 Interviews *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- September 27th, 2013
This week the world's most recession proof audio drinking session re-release some interviews of some of the most interesting ethnic minorities:
A Ginger, A Scottish and the rarest of all people… A FUN LOVING INNKEEPER!
Stand back in awe of the glorious stereophonic experience that is this particular delicious session of your favourite drunkards doing what they do best… Sitting in a pub, drinking.
Audio-berge-gasms® are supplied by the always handsome and fancy free boys about Brighton, SON OF ROBOT! Additional Audiogasmicness® are from a man that can literally take you down to china town during a Scrabble match, the Scrabulus Scrabulator Sir John Smith! (With that video we promised!)
You've heard it once a few years back and it's still your favorite session!
It's here! It's beer! Auberge-A-GO-GO!
If you ever get the chance, please take some time to visit The Red Lion, Stodmarsh, Kent, 01227 721339 for a few sharpeners!
Session 152 - #78 Live *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- August 30th, 2013
During yet another premium session of the People's Republic Of China's favourite podcast (FACT!); Talk turns to "bored" games, the best way to develop testicular torsion and "The Best" free legal advice "real money" can buy.
Talking of which, you really should buy a violin or a guitar pedal from our handsome and sexy lawyer. Go on, buy a nice pedal or what have you.
It will enable a nice Japanese person to get their legal troubles sorted out for very little money.
Go on! Sponsor our lawyer today by buying some stuff from him -->HERE!<--
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Thank you and 再见!
Session 150 - #71 Slacktivism *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- August 2nd, 2013
This weeks Classic session of the worlds best audio drinking guide contains talk of a website that helps you name your distinguished old gentleman sitting on two duffel bags, Where to find the best lorry drivers, Where to find those that are T'challenged at T'truckin', The goings on near a pole down south (so to speak) and of course... FOOTBALL!
This weeks Audiogasmic® man of the match is the team captain Sir John Smith with additional Audiogasms® from the ever forgiving and super awesome hat-trick that goes by the name The Wave Pictures!
It's here! It's beer! Don't be a Taffy Bellend.
Session 148 - #103 Chris-mas (Part 2) *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- July 5th, 2013
*Warning! During this session of Liquid Inspiration Podcast the words:
"Will", "You", "Marry", "Me?" and "Yes" are used next to each other in sequence.*
"Will", "You", "Marry", "Me?" and "Yes" are used next to each other in sequence.*
It's finally here (
Part two features the ever super powered Kylie Posnett and the now Zoophobic Christopher D Bate waxing lyrical about such topics as sexy apes, public art, public pooping, the benefits of boxes, national service, interesting relatives, Alan fucking Sugar, Ryan fucking Estes and if that wasn't enough a round of a new game entitled "Let's Wink At Each Other"!
Audiogasmic® Audiogasms® are supplied this week by three of the best and some of our very favorite artists such as the ever forgiving and superb The Wave Pictures, the handsome and sublime B-Sydes and of course the always rocking and socking Son Of Robot!
We'd like to take this chance to once again thank our gracious guest hosts Chris and Kylie for making these two shows extra super SPECIAL!
As ever, it's here! It's beer! MOO!
Video Spoiler!
Session 147 - #102 Chris-mas (Part 1) *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- June 21st, 2013
One of our faves! The result of when the finest podcast money can't buy travels across the country in search of super awesome guest hosts.
The show that doesn't do things by halves. No! It does things by doubles!
Part one of this classic toofah starring the ever awesome Kylie Posnett and the ever charming Christopher D Bate contains talk of beauty spa treatments gone wrong, a decadent death by dumplings, cunning tips on getting free pizza, how a city can be quite like a "scrappy little bloke", bin pasty roulette, Ryan fucking Estes and many, many more family favourites...
Audiogasms® are supplied this week by those charming chaps, the boys from Brighton Son Of Robot! Additional Audiogasmicness® is supplied this week by the ever handsome and noisey LuKuS!
Check out Chris' film that he wrote called "Staying put at home". Watching it will make you 30% more popular with the cool kids:
As ever, it's here! It's beer! It's in the midlands?!
Cheers C.J, Daz, Kylie & Chris
Session 146 - Addendumums Part 1 *SPECIAL*- June 7th, 2013
During this special session of the best audio only drink and food and more drink guide on the planet talk turns to the French factory that went all wrong and guffed over the south east of England, Fancy Canadian snack flavoured soda and cooking!
Bromley Daz's Spicy Bromley Burgers:
500g of Minced Beef
1/2 an Onion (Chopped)
2 Teaspoons of Chilli Powder
1 Teaspoon of Cumin
1/4 of a Lime
Whack the beef and chopped onion into a bowl with the chilli powder and cumin.
Squeeze the 1/4 of a lime into the bowl and mix that shit up!
Make four burgers. If it's the day before put them in the fridge.
If it's the day you want to eat them, shove them in the freezer!
Get them cold and set! Whack them on the barbie and grab a cold and delicious IPA of some description!
C.J's Cheese and Mac and cheese:
150g Macaroni
150g Broccoli
150g Quark
150g Smoked Cheese (Cut into small bits)
3 Egg Yolks
2 Cloves of Garlic (Chopped)
1 Tablespoon-ish of Chilli Flakes
Stick your oven on to 200°C.
Boil the macaroni until almost ready to eat then boil the broccoli with it in the same pan.
Throw the Quark, the egg yolks, the garlic and the chilli flakes into a bowl and mix that sucker up!
Drain the macaroni and broccoli and mix it all up with the other stuff.
Put the mixture into two oven proof bowls adding the cheese as you go.
Cook for 35-45 minutes or until it looks delicious.
(Daz's top tip - Add grated Red Leicester and Cheddar to the top about 20 minutes into cooking for a cheesy crust!)
Add salt and serve with a cold and tasty beer of some sort and extra salt.
Delicious Audiogasmsms® are supplied by the most forgiving band in catering, The Wave Pictures! Additional Audiogasmic® treats are carefully baked with the finest of care and with only the teasing of the taste buds in your ears in mind by the one, the only, The Wild!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Get a pen and paper!
Session 143 - Dazmania *SPECIAL*- April 26th, 2013
During this session of a podcast that really does exist, the topic of "People that don't exist" is supplied by the ever cosmopolitan chap about town Ahhh! Big Cowboys! 4... Only, it's really fucking difficult to talk for an hour about people you can't describe. So we talk about three really tasty beers as well!
Audiogasms® are supplied by Republic of Dazmania national anthem co-creators Lord LuKuS! and the right honourable The Wave Pictures!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Don't get all Art Deco, just fucking drink it!
Session 141 - #34 Gone Fishin' *CLASSIC SPECIAL*- March 29th, 2013
Oh Hello, do you have "Liquid Inspiration Podcast" by C.J and Daz?*
This week, the guys are on crest behaviour as they pond-er some of the worlds worst nautical puns.
Tales from the deep courtesy of the regular house band, their use of language makes longshoremen blush. The band that has the biggest barnacles in Brighton, Son Of Robot!
Additional sea shanties from the salty sea dog from the Sou'wester England Captain Long John Smith.
.....My Name? Yes, it's C.J and Daz**.
*Additional material this week by Judie Judie.
**Circa March 2010.
Session 138 - TV *SPECIAL*- February 15th, 2013
Smells during this meeting of the finest content creation team
Audiogasms® are supplied by the stars of the silver and small screen, the ever sexy Son Of Robot! Additional Audiogasverts® are provided during the breaks by the Essex boys that know a product worth purchasing when they see one, the ever awesome Things We Lost In The Fire!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Same beer time! Same beer channel!
Finally, a reminder that telly, when produced well, can be a passionate and rewarding experience for the viewer:
Session 137 - Going-Dow(n) Jones *SPECIAL*- February 1st, 2013
During this session of the best free financial / booby advice service in the world, Bromley Daz fixes visual dependency by making an inaudible visual reference on mic, C.J Hixon fixes everyone's tax woes by expanding on an obvious role for one of society's more unemployable souls and the legend that is Keeton Alford makes a world improving suggestion!
Good work lad!
Audiogasms® are provided courtasy of economic guru Sir John Smith and those filthy "5p per item of clothing" sultry strippers Son Of Robot!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! Your ears may be at risk if you do not keep up downloads of this Podcast, Podcasts are subject to availability, Everybody except Danny Dyer is a winner, Terms and conditions apply!
Session 135 - Motoring *SPECIAL*- January 4th, 2013
During this session of the world's best in car entertainment talk turns to the subjects of penises in German cars, penises that use their pieds à vélo, penises that can't drive in snow, the icy penis C.J found and a distinct absence of beer graphs... hmmm.
Audiogasms® are in top gear, all revved up and are thundering down the highway that is your ear holes driven by racing experts The Wild with co-driver Sir John Smith!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! SERIOUSLY! GET A CAR!
Session 134 - Queen's Peach *SPECIAL*- December 25th, 2012
During this festive session of the drinking man's guide to surviving the holidays, Daz is absent due to his yearly tradition of carol singer hunting and so C.J is joined by guest hosts Christopher D Bate and Sir John Smith!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Audiogasmic® artists (including Sir John) for allowing us to enjoy their Audiogasmicness® out loud, in glorious stereo on a fortnightly basis.
Beers are owed to B-Sydes, LuKuS, Deaftronix, The Wave Pictures, The Wild, RedFinn, Things We Lost In The Fire and the sexy boys from the band once known as Son Of Robot!
Additional thanks go out to our super sexy affiliates, to whom we also owe a beer or two: Cribble, Kylie, Mrs Carlson and Always Burning Corn 4, the folks at Squidink Tattoo, the geniuses at Brew Dog, our lawyer Mr Scotto White and of course the mince pie molester from Leicester Christopher Bate!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! See you in the new year!
C.J Hixon and Bromley Daz
Session 132 - Health *SPECIAL*- December 1st, 2012
Dear listener,
We are delighted to inform you that this session of the audio cure for all of the world's ailments features professional diagnosis on all of the topics that are important for your physical and mental well-being.
Topics such as deodorant, memory loss, garage space, moustaches, the importance of down time, shower gel superstition and of course, a touch of SARS!
Still feeling a bit peeky? For a more holistic treatment, why not rub some delicious and Audiogasmic® "Audiosalve"® around your ear pipes? Now available in Things We Lost In The Fire, Son Of Robot and LuKuS flavours!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! For your health!
Session 130 - Pubs *SPECIAL*- November 2nd, 2012
Welcome to another fantastic *SPECIAL* session of the reason the internet sounds a bit more pissed than it really should! During this weeks fermented folly, talk turns to The Worlds End, The Swan and Mitre, The Half Moon, The Cock Inn, The Cock Horse Inn, The Tickled Trout, The Black Lion, A Red Robin, Brew Dog Camden, The Queen Adelaide, A bar at the pictures and only a brief mention of The Bunch Of Grapes... If you've hit the kebab shop, you've gone too far!
Audiogasms® are provided this session by a delicious pint of John Smith and that bloke, spiky hair, plays guitar and sings to electronic beats, rubbed his pits in your face at that gig that one time... you know, drinks cold lager! Of course we mean LuKuS!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! OI! GET YOUR FUCKING ROUND IN!
Session 128 - Soilers *SPECIAL*- October 5th, 2012
All good things come in... twos?!?
Yes it's time yet again for another *SPECIAL* session of high brow, round robin discussion and intellectual debate, masquerading as two blokes sitting about drinking and swearing! Stock items this week include: Sequels being better than prequels, Standardised testing for screenings, Poll activated shark tanks, the wisdom of Martin Scorsese, Streaming Hollywood's latest opus direct into your home without the presence of C.J's loud chewing, The film with the policemen with different quirky outfits and stuff and they all have special powers... and one bloke eats cold baked beans out of a tin.
... and of course The Losers.
Audiogasms® are rubbed all over your ear parts by the super sexy Son Of Robot and a man that was born to star on the silver screen, the one and only LuKuS!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! There's no title music? THERE'S NO RULES!
Session 127 - Dog-A *SPECIAL*- September 21st, 2012
Yes! It's another special offering of the audio only version of drinking with C.J and Daz featuring talk of awkward old people in pubs, Daz's many rules of thumb, the mysteries of the water powered car, being on that side of things like C.J's old band, Not giving two shits about "The McWhiffin School for the Blind Girl Hockey Team" and a certain Scottish stout gets a whopping 5.5 Berts?!?!?
Triple Audiogasmicness® is slung down your ear pipes by Sir John Smith, The Wild and the always sexy Son Of Robot!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! BREW DOG!!!
Session 108 - Canadia II *SPECIAL* - December 25th, 2011

This years super awesome festive *SPECIAL* features certified English blokes C.J and Daz of drunk Tweeting and Podcasting fame had a couple of chats to certified Canadian ladies Mrs Corinna Carlson of Gusgreeper.com and Ms Monica Hamburg of less drunken therefore inferior Podcasting fame.
Add a dash of booze, a pocketful of delight, a bunch of awesome tunes and a metric shit ton of swearing and you've got yourself a festive treat suitable for the most festive of drinking sessions!
Where's your prezzies?
Well, have we got a treat for you this Liquid Inspiration Podcastmas!
Please have a stab at our festive quiz / treasure hunt thinger for a delicious festive surprise!
Our sincerest thanks go out to the following enablers that (thank fuck) have not once asked us to stop making the swears with the beers:
Sir John Smith, Mr LuKuS, Señor Cribble, B-Sydes Esquire, Dr Christopher D Bate & Prof Kylie Posnett (Thanks for putting us up and putting up with C.J's unique brand of sonorous snoring!), Mrs Carlson & Ambassador Barrister Coach 4 (Do ya want a Baileys?), The (ever forgiving) Wave Pictures, The (ever awesome and super nice to us) Wild, Judge Mat Bone (for stabbing Daz with a needle in an awesome way!), Things We Lost In The Fire, MP Jim Pubes MP, Deaftronix, The finest one man legal team a podcast could have: Duke Scotto White and of course all of those sexy boys that were in the band from Brighton Son Of Robot (R.I.P)
Why not, on this most festive of days, enjoy a little Liquid Inspiration Podcastmas cheer from C.J and Lord John Smith:
Thanks for listening!
As ever, It's here! It's beer! It's invented it's own holiday!
C.J Hixon & Bromley Daz
Session 103 - Chris-mas (Part 2) *SPECIAL* - October 21st, 2011

*Warning! During this session of Liquid Inspiration Podcast the words:
"Will", "You", "Marry", "Me?" and "Yes" are used next to each other in sequence.*
WOLVER WHAAAAAAAAAAT???!!!!"Will", "You", "Marry", "Me?" and "Yes" are used next to each other in sequence.*
It's finally here (
Part two features the ever super powered Kylie Posnett and the now Zoophobic Christopher D Bate waxing lyrical about such topics as sexy apes, public art, public pooping, the benefits of boxes, national service, interesting relatives, Alan fucking Sugar, Ryan fucking Estes and if that wasn't enough a round of a new game entitled "Let's Wink At Each Other"!
Audiogasmic® Audiogasms® are supplied this week by three of the best and some of our very favorite artists such as the ever forgiving and superb The Wave Pictures, the handsome and sublime B-Sydes and of course the always rocking and socking Son Of Robot!
We'd like to take this chance to once again thank our gracious guest hosts Chris and Kylie for making these two shows extra super SPECIAL!
As ever, it's here! It's beer! BUM!
Video Spoiler!
Session 102 - Chris-mas (Part 1) *SPECIAL* - October 7th, 2011

*Warning! During this session of Liquid Inspiration Podcast
the words "Fiat" and "Multipla" are used next to each other in sequence.*
WOLVER WHAT NOW?!the words "Fiat" and "Multipla" are used next to each other in sequence.*
It's finally here! The special you have all been waiting for!
Well, as the title suggests it's actually the specials you have all been waiting for as when the finest podcast money can't buy travels across the country in search of super awesome guest hosts, it doesn't do things by halves.
No! It does things by doubles!
Part one of this classic toofah starring the ever awesome Kylie Posnett and the ever charming Christopher D Bate contains talk of beauty spa treatments gone wrong, a decadent death by dumplings, cunning tips on getting free pizza, how a city can be quite like a "scrappy little bloke", bin pasty roulette, Ryan fucking Estes and many, many more family favourites...
Audiogasms® are supplied this week by those charming chaps, the boys from Brighton Son Of Robot! Additional Audiogasmicness® is supplied this week by the ever handsome and noisey LuKuS!
As ever, it's here! It's beer! It's in the midlands?!
Why not have some proof of Cribble's fantastic dress sense!
Session 80 - Fixers *SPECIAL* - February 11th, 2011

Welcome to the very first of Liquid Inspiration Podcast's 2011
This week the world is put bang to rights as C.J & Daz discuss the correct inflection to use when doing a spot of Pigeonholing, the best way to clean up after a spot of Pigeon-holing, All Religions get their habits handed back to them with a side order of "fuck you!", The politicians and the Misinformed do-gooders also get the full L.I.P treatment.
Fantastic tunage is supplied this week by The Wave Pictures and the worlds only five membered sex machine named Son Of Robot!
We hope you enjoy the first of our *SPECIAL SHOWS*. If you don't please contact us at www.twitter.com/CJ_and_Daz for a full refund... or not.
C.J Hixon & Bromley Daz